Upgrade to v2.1

Before you begin, make sure you have a backup of your existing system, including the database. No previous backups are available, so if you are upgrading from an older version than v2.0, any template changes you made will be lost. If you are upgrading from v1.0, all language translations must be done again. Also note that for v1.0 you will need to log into the Maian Media Licence Centre to re-generate your Maian Guardian licence file. Sorry for this inconvenience.
Password - Important - Read First
If you are upgrading from a version older than v2.0, all account & staff passwords will not work after the upgrade. In v2.0+ passwords are now stored using the PHP password API which uses bcrypt. This favours the less secure sha1 used in previous versions. Accounts will need to use the 'Forgot Password' option to reset their password. Staff members must have their passwords updated by the global admin user.

You should send out a batch email to accounts to let them know.
1 Files to Move
v1.0 ONLY had files stored in different locations. If the following exist, note the new locations:
templates/zip => content/zip
control/api-triggers.php => control/api/api-triggers.php
2 Delete Files
Delete all your existing files/folders, EXCEPT the following:
licence.lic (needs to be updated if running v1.0)
licgen (wherever this is installed)
For v1.0 you must delete all files/folders, except the connection file.
3 Replace Files
1. Download the latest version Maian Guardian.

2. Remove the files/folders from the zip file in step 2. For version 1.0, remove ONLY connection file.

3. If the 'control/_cfg.php' file does not exist in your installation, copy the '_control/_cfg-sample.php' as 'control/_cfg.php' and complete the options in the file. You can copy the information from the old 'control/connect.php' file. Note that your admin login details are here now too, so copy the info from your existing 'admin/control/access.php' file or simply enter new login details in the new '_cfg.php' file.

4. Upload new files to server to replace ones previously deleted. For v1.0, make sure previous files exist in new location as detailed in step 1.
4 Add New Files
Add the following files/folders to your system if they don't exist. You may need to access the latest version zip file again:
content/language/2.0.php (New language file)
content/language/2.1.php (New language file)
5 Update Existing Files
1. From the current zip file the following email template should be replaced and if applicable translated:
2. If applicable, open the 'control/user-options.php' file and add the following (if they don't already exist):
define('WYSIWYG_ACTIVE', 1);
define('API_LOG_NAME', 'guardian-api-log.log');
6 Upgrade Database
1. Access the upgrade routines in your browser (install/upgrade.php) and follow instructions to upgrade database.

2. Remove 'install' folder.
Upgrade Complete
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