BB Code

BB Code
BB Code or Bulletin Board Code is a lightweight markup language used to format data. The available tags are usually indicated by square brackets ([]) surrounding a keyword, and are parsed before being translated into a markup language that web browsers understand. Examples:

[b]Bold[b] = Bold Text
[link=]Google[/link] = Google

BBCode was devised to provide a safer, easier and more limited way of allowing staff to format their messages.

Text © Wikipedia
BB Code in Maian Cart
Used on the following:

Category/product descriptions
New page text
Payment method help & information
Cart offline text
Homepage blog text
Styling BB Code
BB Code is simply converted to the correct XHTML markup using classes. To style these, edit the main styleheet and look for the BB Code attributes at the bottom of the file.

For example if you wanted to make all code that appears between [b][/b] tags blue, find:

.bbBold {
  font-weight: bold;
And change to:

.bbBold {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: blue;
Tag Case Issues
BB Code can be uppercase or lowercase, but not a combination of both. The following are ok:

The following are NOT ok:

YouTube Videos
If you are using the BBcode tags for YouTube videos, you can alter the parameters in the 'control/options.php' file.

Look for the 'YOU_TUBE_EMBED_CODE' directive. Use {CODE} where the YouTube code should appear.

Note that using iframe data may break the code validation.
Vimeo Videos
If you are using the BBcode tags for Vimeo videos, you can alter the parameters in the 'control/options.php' file.

Look for the 'VIMEO_EMBED_CODE' directive. Use {CODE} where the Vimeo video ID should appear.

Note that using iframe data may break the code validation.
Daily Motion Videos
If you are using the BBcode tags for Daily Motion videos, you can alter the parameters in the 'control/options.php' file.

Look for the 'DAILY_MOTION_EMBED_CODE' directive. Use {CODE} where the Daily Motion video code should appear.

Note that using iframe data may break the code validation.
Soundcloud Player
If you are using the BBcode tags for the soundcloud player, you can alter the parameters in the 'control/options.php' file.

Look for the 'SOUNDCLOUD_EMBED_CODE' directive. Use {CODE} where the soundcloud music code should appear in the url.
MP3 Player
For MP3 files, enter full http / https path to file and enter between mp3 tags:


The MP3 player uses native HTML5 audio controls and will ONLY work in HTML5 browsers.
BB Code is enabled/disabled globally in the settings.