PDF Invoice / Packing Slip Templates

Maian Cart utilises the superb PDF library TCPDF written and offered as open source by Nicola Asuni. When enabled you have one click options to create / view PDF invoices and packing slips.
HTML Templates
For ease of data mapping, TCPDF uses standard HTML templates. These can contain standard HTML code. Editing these files will require a good knowledge of HTML code. You can set different layouts and colours for personal and trade accounts if you wish.
PDF HTML Template Locations
For Invoice PDFs the location is the same for both frontend and admin as both areas use the same templates.

content/** theme **/html/pdf-invoice/personal/* (Personal/Retail template files)
content/** theme **/html/pdf-invoice/trade/* (Trade template files)
As packing slips are admin only, the location is different.

admin/templates/windows/pdf/personal/* (Personal/Retail template files)
admin/templates/windows/pdf/trade/* (Trade template files)
If you are unsure, leave the files as they are.
Inline Styles ONLY
You should use inline styles ONLY as the template files do not use CSS. Example to colour a table cell as red with white text:

<td style="background:red;color:white">Example text..</td>
Unless you know exactly what you are doing, DO NOT remove any of the system variables between braces. Example:

PDF Config File
This is for advanced users ONLY. You can change the global settings of the PDF files in the PDF config file:

For example, to change the outer border colour edit the $drawOutsideBorderCfg and $drawOutsideBorderTradeCfg variables respectively using RGB values.

Other options in this file are global and will affect ALL PDFs.