Payment Gateway Setup (CardStream)

Please follow the instructions below to activate this gateway. If the payment gateway's interface has changed or if the screenshots (where applicable) look different, please let me know.
CardStream - Setup
1: Sign up for a Cardstream account to receive your merchant information.
2: Enter applicable details in your Maian Cart admin area:

Sales > Payment Methods > Cardstream
Cardstream - Callback Url
The callback url for all operations is: (SSL)

Where '' is your own domain.
Cardstream - Sandbox
Cardstream has a nice easy to use test system (MMS) so you can test the system before going live.

The test merchant account is 0000992 (this is auto set if test mode is enabled).

MMS login details:
Username: Merchant0000992
Password: demo

You can use the following test address/visa card to test the system (more are found in their docs depending on your settings)

Visa Card: 4929421234600821
CV2: 356
Address: Flat 6, Primrose Rise, 347 Lavender Road. Northampton
PostCode: NN17 8YG