Payment Gateway Setup (Paysense)

Please follow the instructions below to activate this gateway. If the payment gateway's interface has changed or if the screenshots (where applicable) look different, please let me know.
Payment Sense - Setup
1: Sign up for a Payment Sense account to receive your merchant id and password.
2: Log into your Payment Sense account and click "Account Settings".
3: Create shared key. Make sure the hash method for your pre-share key is set to SHA1.
4: Enter applicable details in your Maian Cart admin area:

Sales > Payment Methods > Payment Sense
Payment Sense - Callback Url
The callback url for all operations is: (SSL)

Where '' is your own domain.
Payment Sense - Sandbox
Payment Sense has a nice easy to use test system so you can test the system before going live.

Sign up for an account:

You can use the following test address/visa card to test the system (more are found in their docs depending on your settings). Check the docs for the latest expiry dates if the date below has expired.

Visa Card: 4976000000003436
Expiry: 12/20
Start Date: 01/07
CV2: 452
Address: 32 Edward Street, Camborne, Cornwall, TR14 8PA.