Plugin: AddThis Social Share

What is AddThis?
AddThis is a social bookmarking service that can be integrated into a website with the use of a web widget. Once added, visitors to the website can bookmark an item using a variety of services, such as Facebook, MySpace, Google Bookmarks, and Twitter. The website is the most widely used service for bookmarking and sharing web pages, used on over 5% of the top 10,000 sites on the internet. Text © Wikipedia.
Where is it in Maian Coin?
At the base of each product as seen in the following screenshot.

Clicking the + icon brings up a div where you can search for hundreds of social share options, meaning your products can been seen across loads of social platforms.
How can I implement it in Maian Coin?
1 Sign up for an account at the AddThis website.

2 From the menu go to 'Tools > Add New Tool > Share Buttons'.

3 Complete relevant style / appearance options, then save.

4 View your website tools and click 'Get The Code'.

5 Look at the code example given for the first copy option and get the unique code AFTER the 'pubid=' part of the url. Example:


Enter this value in your settings.

Settings > Social Settings > Other Options > AddThis Social Sharing Code
6 Finally, look at the code given in section 3 of the AddThis information and make sure the <div> matches the code in the following 'content/*theme*/product.tpl.php' file.

If the div code is different to the following...

<div class="addthis_sharing_toolbox"></div>

...update the 'product.tpl.php' (around line 100) to match.
AddThis Notes
Adding this plugin is entirely optional. If you have set up the plugin correctly, you`ll see an image similar to the one above.

Other images may be available via the AddThis website. You can also adjust button colours, appearance and size.