Add Affiliate

Add a new affiliate to your system manually.
General > First Name / Last Name
Enter first / last name. (Max 250 chars each).
General > Email Address
Enter valid email address. Must be unique.
General > Password
Enter password for affiliate. Click the icon to auto generate a password. The affiliate will be forced to choose a new password on login for security.
General > Enabled
Is affiliate enabled? Yes/No.
Affiliate > Date Added
Date affiliate was added.
Affiliate > Affiliate ID Prefix (Optional)
In the settings you can set a prefix for the affiliate code. Here you can add an additional prefix for the affiliate if you want to. If no prefixes are set, the affiliate code will be their ID number in the database. Generally, a settings prefix is enough.

Allowed characters are letters, numbers and underscores.
Affiliate > Set Commission(%) (Optional)
The default setting is the commission is sent via the API. This makes things quite flexible as you can set whatever percentage you want for individual sale products before sending it to the affiliate system.

If you set a commission value here, the commission value from the API will be ignored and the system will auto calculate the percentage based on the sale total sent by the API. This is useful if you want to give certain affiliates a higher percentage earning. If a commission is set here, it would apply to all sales for any product.
Affiliate > IP Address
Affiliate IP address if you know it. If you don't, it will be updated the first time the affiliate logs in.
Payment Info
Payment information for the affiliate. Eg: How they will be paid. If you prefer you can leave this blank. If blank, the affiliate will be required to enter payment information on login.
Backend admin notes. Not seen by the affiliate.