Stripe API - Setup Instructions

API Setup
1 Sign up for a Stripe account.

2 Click 'Developers' from the toolbar and then 'Developers > API Keys' in the left menu to generate your perishable and secret keys. Generate keys for live and test data. Or create a separate account for testing.

3 Next select 'Developers > Webhooks' (See above screenshot). Click to add new endpoint.

Enter the callback/endpoint '' and specify all event types. If there is an option to select an API version, you should choose '2019-05-16'. Make sure the callback url is the correct url to your setup.

4 When your webhook has been added, make a note of your 'endpoint secret key'. This is visible when you click to view a webhook. Look for 'Signing Secret' and 'Click to reveal' code.

5 Enter your perishable key, secret key and endpoint secret key details in your Maian Music admin area:

Payment Gateways > Manage Gateways > Stripe
Setup is Completed!
Sandbox Testing
Stripe has a nice easy to use test system so you can test the system before going live. For a list of test cards, visit the following url:

It is recommended you create a 'Test Account' in your Stripe admin area OR use the 'Test mode' switch for your live account. You can also switch to test mode for any live account. Setup exactly as above. Make sure to change your test keys with your live keys before you go live.