Music Setup

Before you can add files to the system, they must be uploaded to your web server via FTP. FTP is better and faster than standard web form uploads. A lot of excellent, free FTP software exists and the following are recommended:

In Maian Music we have tried to make adding files as easy as possible.
Step 1 Upload Full Music Files
Upload your full music downloads into your secure folder, in any structure. Sub folders are supported. Default supported files are mp3, mp4 & wav. You can add more in the 'control/options.php' file via the 'SUPPORTED_MUSIC' option.
Step 2 Upload Preview Music Files
Upload your preview music files into the 'content/previews' folder, in any structure. Sub folders are supported. These should be short snippets of your main tracks and be mp3 format only. Maybe 20/30 second previews. There are free utilities that can help you create short snippets, here are a few:

Audacity & MP3 Direct Cut are portable. MP3 Direct Cut offers batch processing.
Step 3 Upload Music Cover Art
Upload your music cover art into the 'content/cover-art' folder, in any structure. Sub folders are supported.
Step 4 Add Music to System
Log into your Maian Music admin control panel to add your music. Add collections first, then tracks.