Gateway Name
Display name for gateway. Max 100 chars.
Live Payment Server POST Url
This is the live server POST url as determined by the gateway. This url accepts the POST parameters from the music system.

Select the correct protocol from the drop down. The value in the box should NOT include 'http://' or 'https://'.
Sandbox Payment Server POST Url
This is the sandbox POST url as determined by the gateway if applicable. Can be used for other operations if adding custom gateway.

Select the correct protocol from the drop down. The value in the box should NOT include 'http://' or 'https://'.
Webpage for gateway.
Yes to enable, No to disable
Class to Load
Each gateway has files, for Paypal these must be named and exist as follows:

Display Image
For cosmetics only, should exist in the following locations:

Document Page
The corresponding document page for this gateway. Located in the "docs" folder. Gateway docs file must start "gw-" for the system to pick it up. See existing files for examples. This is optional, if there is no docs file, leave blank.
Key/Value pairs that can contain data to be sent to the gateway or used to validate a response from the gateway. By default no parameters are used unless created in the relevant class files. You can add more parameters if you want to pass additional info to the gateway.

Note that the values must be entered on the right, the left values are the parameter names and MUST not be changed.

Depending on the getway, parameter names are sent as either $_POST or $_GET values.

To add / remove parameter lines, use the +/- buttons.

Note that nothing is actually updated until the "Update Gateway" is clicked. More info on parameters on the add gateway example page.

Note that if you prefer the values to be hidden, enable the "Always Hide Gateway Parameter Values" in your settings via the Payment tab.
Integration Instructions
Click the button above for details on how to set up the gateway.
eCheck/eCheque Payments
An eCheck is a payment that a buyer makes directly from their bank account.

Just like a regular check/cheque, it usually takes between 3 and 5 business days for an eCheck to clear and the money to appear in your PayPal account.

Both eChecks and Instant Transfers are ways for a buyer to pay with their bank account. With an eCheck, the recipient receives the money in a few days. With an Instant Transfer, the recipient receives the money right away.

If a buyer uses an eCheck for payment in Maian Music, the payment is automatically marked as pending because the funds won't be in your Paypal account. If you wish to treat eCheck payments the same as standard payments, set 'Process Pending as Completed' in your settings to 'yes' on the 'Settings > Payment' tab.
Default Parameters
The following parameters should be set as defaults, eg: The values below appear in the left (key) boxes, your own values in the right boxes. They are included when the system is installed, you just need to fill in the values:

email => Your Paypal Business Email Address
Example screenshot:

These values are case sensitive! They must be entered EXACTLY as shown.
Re-Transmitting IPN Messages
If for some reason the IPN message wasn't sent, you can resend it via your Paypal admin area. Contact Paypal if you can't find the option.